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Mission LiFE: World leaders endorse PM Modi-led initiative against climate change

Mission LiFE is an initiative to deal with Climate change through a three-pronged strategy to create demand, supply and policy for changing the collective approach towards sustainability

Mission LiFE: World leaders endorse PM Modi-led initiative against climate change

Logo of Mission LiFE. Screengrab: Youtube

New Delhi: World leaders, including from France, the United Kingdom and the Maldives, were among those who congratulated Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the launch of Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for the Environment) aimed at facilitating the shift towards sustainability on Thursday.

Starting his video message addressing the Prime Minister as “Dear Narendra,” French President Emmanual Macron said that he looks forward to working with the Indian presidency of G20 next year.

“Dear Prime Minister, dear Narendra, dear colleagues, dear friends, namaste. I wish I could be you in Kevadia at this very special moment. And at a time when our world is subject to increasing geopolitical tensions, we have no choice but to choose cooperation of division for one single region. No one can address global challenges and especially climate change on its own,” Macron said.

India takes over the presidency of G20 or Group of Twenty, an intergovernmental forum comprising 19 countries and the European Union, from Indonesia for a year from 1 December.

“France looks forward to working with India to make this initiative a success including in the perspective of the Indian presidency of G20 next year,” Macron added.

UK Prime Minister Liz Truss also sent her congratulations through a video message.

“As democracies, we must work together to secure energy independence and protect economies. We’re investing with partners like India to develop vital climate infrastructure. I commend India’s leadership in launching Mission LiFE, let’s keep leading the way,” she said.

Founded in 1999, the G20 grouping works to address issues of international concerns, like the global economy, climate change mitigation and sustainable development.

Maldives’ President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih said that PM Modi’s Mission LiFE could not have come at a more crucial juncture when “the ill effects of the climate crisis come at upon the countries with full force.”

Estonia’s Prime Minister, Kaja Kallas in her message expressed gratitude to PM Modi for launching Mission LiFE and said that the need for a collective response to address climate change is stronger than ever.

“India has been very active in World Cleanup Day. Last year, 1.2 million people took part in it in India, which is impressive,” Kallas said.

Irakli Garibashvili, Georgia’s Prime Minister said “Georgia welcomes and fully supports this global initiative, timely introduced by PM Modi which promotes an environmentally conscious lifestyle that focuses on the principle of mindful and deliberate utilisation.”

Prime Minister Modi and United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres launched the Mission LiFE movement in Gujarat’s Ekta Nagar.

Envisaged by PM Modi, Mission LiFE is expected to be an India-led global mass movement that will nudge individual and collective action to protect and preserve the environment, said Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).

Mission LiFE will be India’s signature initiative at the United Nations and other international platforms for showcasing climate action and early achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, according to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) statement.

“Our planet is under threats. Overall, 70 per cent of forest land is substantially degraded. Collective action is needed to protect the planet. I wish to extend best wishes to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the launching of the Mission LiFE logo and mission document which seeks to mobilise 1 billion people of India to become pro-planet people by 2027. Congratulations India for taking the lead,” said Irfaan Ali, President of Guyana.

Andry Rajoelina, Madagascar President in her message said, “I am convinced that LiFE could become one of the turning points in our fight against climate crisis. I thank India through its Prime Minister Narendra Modi who is an inspiring leader in environmental protection, for bringing us together around this cause. It is with hope and conviction that I join you in this mission.

Earlier, Prime Minister Modi held a bilateral meeting with UN chief Antonio Guterres.

The duo paid floral tributes at the Statue of Unity at Kevadia and the UN Secretary-General joined Prime Minister Modi at the launch of the Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment) booklet, logo, and tagline.

“Mission LiFE is a global movement to safeguard our environment from the impact of climate change”, PM Modi tweeted.

The launch of Mission LiFE comes just a couple of weeks before leaders from around the globe will gather in Egypt’s Sharm El-Sheikh for the 27th United Nations Climate Change Congress (COP 27) on 6 November 2022.

What is Mission LiFE?

Mission LiFE is an initiative to deal with Climate change through a three-pronged strategy for changing the collective approach towards sustainability.

First, to encourage individuals to practise simple yet effective environment-friendly actions in their daily lives to create a demand for sustainable goods and services.

Second, to enable industries and markets to respond swiftly by ensuring supply to the changing demand.

Third, to influence the government to support both sustainable consumption and production through supportive policies.

With inputs from agencies.


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